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In the Get Your First Coaching Client System, you will discover how to:
  • ​Finally charge your worth (and sign dream clients who recognize your value and pay full price without hesitation)
  • Feel confident in asking for the sale (because you know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it so there is zero sleaze)
  • ​Handle objections like a pro (so you’ll never be stopped by another “I can’t afford it…” “I have to talk to my spouse…” or “I have to think about it…” again! Turn those maybes into yeses!)
  • ​Get clients who value your time and are willing to do the work (so they’ll get bigger results in less time and leave extremely satisfied with your services!)
Plus… you’ll finally hear more YES’s & work with your own high-ticket paying client within 30 days!
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